Nancy Turner
Associate Director for Organizational Research & Strategy Alignment | Temple University
Nancy B. Turner is the Associate Director of Organizational Research and Strategy Alignment at Temple University Libraries In this role she supports data-driven decision making by cultivating a robust data collection infrastructure, provides oversight for assessment and research activities at the Libraries, and helps to develop organizational structures that align practice with the Libraries’ strategic actions. She received her BA in anthropology from the University of Pennsylvania, an MA in social sciences from the University of Chicago, her MLIS from Clark Atlanta, and is currently working on a MEd in Adult and Organizational Development at Temple’s College of Education. Turner profiles local assessment activities on her blog Assessment on the Ground at https://sites.temple.edu/assessment/. She serves as vice-chair/chair-elect of the American Library Association Library Leadership & Management Association (LLAMA) Assessment Community of Practice, is a member of the editorial board of the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) Statistics and Trends committee, and convenes the ACRL Assessment Discussion Group.